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1971: Film director loses copyright  21

Since January this year, the copyright protection period for sound and video recordings has been extended to 50 years.
This means that depending on whether our rights are recognized or not, we may be at a disadvantage for 50 years.
For this reason, we have begun efforts to secure legal protection.
The rights to music in anime have always been very ambiguous.
The rights to the images in anime are owned by company A, and the rights to the music are owned by company B, creating a complicated relationship.
Also, existing music may be used in anime. This changes the party against whom we assert our rights.
For example, if an existing commercial record is used as background music for an anime, the party against whom we legally claim remuneration and royalties is the record company.
However, if new music is created for an anime and it becomes a soundtrack record, our negotiating party is the anime production company.
However, in Japan, performances and recordings by music performers are only verbal agreements, and no written contracts are signed.
As a result, in reality, it is very difficult to make claims based on the law.
We are working together with Eienkyoto, and we understand the hardships that on-site staff face in order to keep anime production costs low.

Recently, there has been a big movement in our movement.
Until now, we have been working on the issue of private recording and filming, such as amending Article 31 of the Copyright Act.
A solution to the issue of recording and filming within the home is now on the verge of being realized through a right to claim compensation. We believe this is also the result of our continued efforts.
That's all. Thank you.

(To be continued)

*The Musicians' Union introduced so far is a different organization from Jasrac, the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers.
Jasrac has many composers, while the Musicians' Union has many performers.
Jasrac has also come under criticism in recent years.
One veteran composer left Jasrac and started a new endeavor, promoting "freedom for music" and "copyright-free."

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-11-02 22:46 | 労働組合 Labor union