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1971: Film director loses copyright  20

Even though they are both performers' rights, music and theater, that is, playing a musical instrument and acting, have very different rights. This is due to current copyright laws.
The effects of this imbalance have become very evident recently.
Also, even if a program is made by the same broadcasting station, the rights are very different between the television station and the subcontractor.
This is true for music, and also for actors.

So, we (the Musicians' Union) have begun a movement to revise the Copyright Law again, including actors and film directors, and have started concrete measures. (*See the next post)

When a record is used for broadcast, the broadcasting station must pay a "commercial record secondary use fee" to the performers involved in the recording of that record. The broadcasting station pays this fee to our organization.
However, nowadays, many movies are broadcast on television and satellite broadcasts.
In that case, there is no guarantee for actors or musicians.

When a television station directly produces a broadcast program, it is treated as a "movie."
As a result, under the current copyright law, our right to "recording and filming" is lost.
This is a flaw in the law.

This isn't just an issue in Japanese law; similar flaws exist internationally as well.

The boundaries between whether a work is a program for broadcast, a film, or a video have become unclear, which may be convenient for users, but from the perspective of those of us who appear in the work, it's a very bad situation.
by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-11-01 23:37 | 労働組合 Labor union