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October 27th: Results of Japan's general election for the House of Representatives

The LDP has monopolized the majority in the Diet for many years, using ugly single-seat constituency system, restrictions on election activities, and other cunning electoral reforms and propaganda, and has forced through numerous bad laws, including war laws and discriminatory laws.

In this election, the ruling party (LDP and Komeito) did not receive a majority.

Although it was not reported in the foreign media, the trigger for this development was a scoop report by Akahata, the newspaper of the Japanese Communist Party.

Akahata has previously exposed the LDP's slush fund crimes, but what was unusual this time was that some of the mass media introduced Akahata's report on the LDP's slush fund during the election period.

The Japanese mass media are public relations agencies for the LDP and the Japanese government, and they do not report any criticism of the LDP, and it is customary to remain silent during election periods.
In Japan, all of the times that a prime minister has been forced to resign in the past, it was due to mass media reports.

However, in Japan, where anti-communist propaganda is deeply ingrained, the Japanese Communist Party, publisher of Akahata, did not gain any seats, but instead lost two to a total of eight seats this time.
Instead, the centrist Constitutional Democratic Party and the conservative centrist Democratic Party for the People doubled their seats.
Many people who said, "I don't want to vote for the LDP, but I'm also afraid of the Communist Party," ended up voting for a centrist party.
The left-leaning liberal party, Reiwa Shinsengumi, also gained seats. Reiwa Shinsengumi has lost patience with the opposition parties that are merely serious, and is appealing to other voters and independently gaining new supporters. Former New Leftists and Socialist Party supporters and other groups who dislike the Communist Party are also flocking to Reiwa Shinsengumi.
The Social Democratic Party, which is a successor to the dissolved Socialist Party, is a left-wing party that has abandoned socialist ideals, but it only managed to secure one seat.
Several other far-right parties also secured seats.
Parties such as the Green Party and Seikatsu Network are unable to confirm their presence in the election.
The centrist parties that doubled their seats this time are pro-LDP, so the LDP has an ulterior motive of forming a coalition with them if its hold on power becomes jeopardized.
During wartime in Japan, all parties except the Japanese Communist Party formed the "Taisei Yokusankai" (Great Imperial Rule Assistance Association), which supported the war.

The turnout this time was approximately 53%.

October 27th: Results of Japan\'s general election for the House of Representatives_f0401719_10465160.jpg
source:Tokyo Shinbun https://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/

The Akahata social affairs chief introduces an article in the Akahata newspaper which reported that "The LDP will pay 20 million yen of tax money to a lawmaker who embezzled slush funds." 

October 27th: Results of Japan\'s general election for the House of Representatives_f0401719_11221186.jpg

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-10-28 11:15 | 政治 society, politics