人気ブログランキング | 話題のタグを見る

Minimal maze

At a screening held at a cinema in Nakano in 1994, large pieces of cloth were stretched across various parts of the theatre, creating pitch-black corridors.
Furthermore, because Kiryukan's performance begins before the audience enters the theater, no trailers for other films were shown.
Showing trailers was a condition of a barter arrangement with other film companies. So, in exchange for not showing trailers for other films, Kiryukan also did not show trailers for MIDORI during screenings of other films.
With just such a small ingenuity, the audience was able to experience an extraordinary thrill.

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During screenings of MIDORI, staff hide in the dark, narrow corridor, which becomes the place where they can operate the gimmicks.

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An explanatory diagram by Harada distributed to staff.

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-10-02 13:39 | 劇場思想 Theater thought