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2000 Interview 05

- "At the first performance of Akanekoza at Kiryukan (May 1992), the audience was not given any specific information about what they would be doing in the promotion stage. The audience, who obtained information independently, gathered at the shrine at a time of their choosing and encountered a number of different scenes and performances with a completely blank slate.
It was a simultaneous performance that made use of the scenery and environmental noise of the shrine.
The Akanekoza was located in a corner of the shrine, and "MIDORI" was just one of the performances. A live-action video of maggots was also shown on a three-sided multi-screen.

I like minimalist and secretive underground theaters.

Also, for example, at the Hida Takayama Festival (a festival using Japanese Karakuri puppets), when the Karakuri puppets are moving, the window on the second floor of the festival office behind them suddenly opens, and a person in white robes shows his face for a moment.

I think it's interesting that you don't know whether they're doing it intentionally or just by chance.

On the day of the Akanekoza performance, a member of the audience (not a staff member) suddenly started singing and playing the accordion.
It was interesting that the boundary between who was a performer and who was an audience member was not clear. Akanekoza truly became a one-night dreamlike festival.

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by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-09-15 11:51 | 劇場思想 Theater thought