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Around 1992. Age 30

A doodle that Harada drew on the back of a company document when he was working at an audio drama production company.
Harada had to work for a company to make a living, but he thought about producing his own work every day.

Around 1992. Age 30_f0401719_19224249.jpg
Around 1992. Age 30_f0401719_19224262.jpg
Around 1992. Age 30_f0401719_19224226.jpg
Around 1992. Age 30_f0401719_19224231.jpg
Around 1992. Age 30_f0401719_19225589.jpg
Around 1992. Age 30_f0401719_19225556.jpg
Around 1992. Age 30_f0401719_19225676.jpg
Around 1992. Age 30_f0401719_19230618.jpg
Around 1992. Age 30_f0401719_19230665.jpg
Around 1992. Age 30_f0401719_19225623.jpg

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-08-29 19:23 | スケッチ doodle