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History of Japanese Labor Unions 01

During his high school days, Harada was active in the student council and the newspaper club, and after entering society, he became active in labor unions and civic movements.

Harada self-published several pamphlets.
One of them is a book summarizing the history of the Visual Culture Related Labor Union (commonly known as Eisanro), an open-shop labor union for visual workers to which Harada belonged. (1987)

The book is based on interviews with Takahashi, the chairman at the time, and others.

Takahashi says that in order to talk about the history of our labor union, it is first necessary to know the history of labor unions in Japan. This is very true.

After the war, in-company labor unions became mainstream in Japan, and in recent years the number of labor unions themselves has drastically decreased.

The labor union that Harada belonged to was a labor union for film workers, which was quite rare in Japan and followed the history of labor unions before the war. (Although rare in Japan, it is a common form in Europe and the United States.)

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by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-07-28 17:05 | 労働組合 Labor union