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The meaning of T-shaped posters

The meaning of T-shaped posters_f0401719_16310319.jpg

The T-shaped posters (right) that appears in "Limitless Paradise" is a right-wing posters that was put up in large numbers throughout Japan in the 1970s.

The posters is printed with phrases that thoroughly denounce and attack the Soviet Union and communism.

The videos at https://video.fc2.com/content/20231211xq2E0tX0 and https://youtu.be/vUl3kK5aH9w?si=fI_SButNrbu1XOlY (filmed by Harada) show right-wingers attacking citizen demonstrations.
The right-wingers are shouting "Kill the communists!"

The police are strict on the left and lenient on the right, so even when right-wingers attack citizens, police officers always stand by and watch.
In recent years, it has been discovered that an internet account called "Dappi," which praises the LDP and attacks the Japanese Communist Party and opposition parties, was a business partner of the LDP.

The Japanese government has a budget set aside for secret cabinet expenses, and some believe that government funds flowed to right-wing and conservative forces.

The ruling Liberal Democratic Party has also attacked the left, communism, socialism, and other such causes for decades since the end of the war.

We believe that this social atmosphere is one of the reasons why people are scared, shun Marxism and communism, and distance themselves from politics.

Incidentally, T-shaped posters were plastered in large numbers in the streets over several years, so if you watch TV dramas from that time, you can find them everywhere.

The meaning of T-shaped posters_f0401719_12545624.jpg
credit:Toei (1975-1977)

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-07-28 16:49 | 限りなき楽園 Paradise