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The meaning of the fighter jets and the flags of the three countries

When Harada was a lecturer at an art college, he had his students watch "Death Lullaby," and a liberal Korean female student asked him, "Why is there the Korean flag on a fighter jet? I understand that there are the Japanese and American flags, but..."

Since the Cold War, Japan, the United States, and South Korea have formed military alliances and have repeatedly conducted joint military exercises. (The governments of Japan, the United States and South Korea are united in their anti-communist policies.)
This continues to this day.

What is important for Japan is not to view China and North Korea as enemies, but to build friendly relations through peaceful diplomacy.
And to abandon all military alliances and conclude friendship treaties.
What the Japanese government currently calls a "security and peace treaty" is something that increases military and hatred and has nothing to do with peace.

On July 28, the defense ministers of Japan, the United States and South Korea signed a memorandum of understanding to continue conducting joint training and other activities.
https://archive.md/4n9uIJapanese mass media quickly deletes articles, so it is important to keep records.

The meaning of the fighter jets and the flags of the three countries_f0401719_12061461.jpg

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-07-28 12:18 | 二度と目覚めぬ子守唄 Lullaby