人気ブログランキング | 話題のタグを見る

Death of a Young Researcher

The music in the middle, using bells, timber and a recorder, is from "The Garden of Trench"(2004). https://kiyubaru.exblog.jp/i23/.
The rumbling-like sound at the end is a processed version of the sound of a subway train running that was recorded in the subway.

At the end of the video linked to, the villain says, "No matter how bad the things you do in this world, things will work out."
In "Das Kapital," Marx quotes the words of the Marquise, mistress of King Louis XV of France, "Après moi le déluge.(If there is a flood, let it come after I die.)"
He compares this to the selfishness of capitalists, meaning "I don't care what happens to the world after I'm dead."
The great villain in "Zashikiro" thinks that no one will punish him, no matter how terrible the things he does while he's alive.
However, in "Zashikiro," the great villain is punished at the very end of the story.
Shuji Terayama left behind a famous quote in response to censorship of film expression: "The only ones who can crack down on crime in films are the police within films."
It is our mission as creators to punish bad guys in our creative works.

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-07-23 20:40 | 座敷牢 Zashikiro