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Following in Engels' Footsteps 08b

Engels repeatedly wrote about the importance of dialectics in his writings and notes from around 1978.
He argued that dialectical philosophy was necessary for natural science.

"Dialectics has only been studied to a limited extent by two thinkers, Aristotle and Hegel."
Furthermore, Engels argued that Hegel's idealistic dialectics needed to be reversed in a materialistic way.

In other words, while Hegel's dialectics starts from spirit, thought, and ideas, Engels argued that in natural science, these should be abandoned and we should start from facts, that is, matter and forms of motion.

He also said that connections should not be created by bringing them into the facts, but should be found within the facts, and when they are found, they should be thoroughly verified.
Seven years later, in the preface to the second volume of Das Kapital, Engels likened the relationship between Marx and his predecessors in the theory of surplus value to the relationship between Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier's discovery of oxygen and phlogiston theory.

Our supplement:
In other words, the society, labor, and politics in which we live, the stuffiness of it all, the creative acts of creators, the birth of the earth, the universe, life, and matter - everything is connected.
So we should not separate things and understand them metaphysically, and we should not explain or assert the parts that are not yet understood with ideas, fantasies, or the occult, and we should not leave taboos unsolved. (Engels' criticism of spiritual phenomena has been introduced in this blog before.)
It is quite natural that this blog is simultaneously broadcasting MIDORI and politics. At the same time, it is an element that is particularly lacking in Japan today.

We will once again explain dialectics and materialism in the simplest terms. It's best to imagine it like this.

The metaphysical thinking that Marx and Engels criticized is the idea that once something is decided it doesn't change.
In contrast, dialectics is the idea that things move and develop while being interconnected.
The idealism that Marx and Engels criticized is a statement based on imagination and ideas (it is full of pedantic embellishments and many people are influenced by it).
In contrast, materialism is a way of thinking that starts only from the society and universe in which we live, and the facts of long history.

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A timeline appears in Horizon Blue.
Both Fuwa and Harada recommend creating a timeline to grasp historical facts.
Harada has created a huge timeline covering events from the birth of the universe to the present, and it currently has over one million characters.
The timeline has not been made public, but Harada has given a copy as reference material to a Chinese doctoral student whom he supervised when he was a university lecturer.

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It was unknown where in the universe the phosphorus needed for gene synthesis is produced.
Recent research has revealed that large amounts of phosphorus are produced in the surface explosions of white dwarfs, which are left over in the final stages of stellar evolution.

It has been discovered that the neural circuits that control human intellectual behavior are also present in fish.

El enigma sin resolver de lo que nos hace humanos

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-07-21 13:22 | marx engels eisen