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Montage with moving camera

Montage with moving camera_f0401719_22583064.jpg

A: A homeless man sitting on the street

B: "Animation is love and romance!" (a message repeated by companies in the 1980s)

C: "You go to the battlefield and fight the enemy!" (This message is still sent out by conservative groups today)

D: Advertisement for various toy robots. Capitalism targets children to sell its products. Also. Japanese TV anime at that time was made in collusion with toy companies.

★: "Banish the bucktooth" (Hate speech in Japan has been increasing since the Abe administration)

E: "The only child runs. The son of the bourgeois runs"

F: In Japan at that time, there were multiple vending machines selling pornographic magazines in the city.

G: Graffiti in chalk on the wall behind a Coca-Cola vending machine. "The red color of Coke is the color of bright red blood. The red color of Coke is the smell of bright red blood."

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-07-20 23:10 | 二度と目覚めぬ子守唄 Lullaby