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MIDORI's Political Expression 4

MIDORI\'s Political Expression 4_f0401719_21470048.jpg

Emperor Showa Hirohito is pictured on the left.

Past emperors sometimes appear in films, but the appearance of current or recent emperors is taboo in Japan.
Harada has stated that political expression is possible because MIDORI is not a corporate production but a completely independent production, and that completely free expression can only be achieved through independent production.

When Harada was working in the news center of a television station, he was the first to create a CG graph showing the amount of blood in the stool of the sick Emperor Showa, and the station broadcast the graph he created nationwide as is.
Emperor Showa died in 1989.
Incidentally, a Japanese film distribution company removed the scene of the Japanese Nanjing Massacre from the film The Last Emperor (1987) without director Bernardo Bertolucci's permission and screened it.

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-07-12 21:59 | 少女椿 Shoujo tsubaki