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Following in Engels' Footsteps 01

In this category, we first briefly introduced the works of Marx, Engels, and Eisenstein.
Next, we excerpted Engels's "The Condition of the English Working Class."
Like the "Communist Manifesto," this book is easy to read even for beginners.
From now on, we would like to introduce the important parts of each book little by little, extracting a large number of them.
This is because what we are introducing here is something that is lacking in today's society (especially Japan).
Up until now, we have introduced surplus value, materialism, dialectics, etc., which are considered to be the most important theories of Marx and Engels.
In "Dialectics of Nature," materialism and dialectics are described in detail.
Simply put, materialism means making judgments based on facts.
You may think, "Isn't that obvious?" However, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and Japan's far-right forces criticize science and academia, teach Japanese history based on fantasy and ideas in schools, and broadcast fortune-telling on TV stations in the morning news.
Japanese mass media does not criticize those in power in Japan, and does not report on news from overseas or massacres around the world.
This does not seem healthy, and it was this atmosphere of ignoring science that led Japan into a war of aggression.
Japanese schools do not teach about Japan's wars of aggression, nor do they teach Marx.
Dialectics, to put it simply, means that everything in this world and universe is connected.
For example, Kiryukan's MIDORI and politics are actually connected.
We have doubts about the idea of ​​excluding political discussion and enjoying
Kiryukan's works solely as entertainment content.
Everything is connected as one.

The following text:
"Dialectics of Nature: Following in Engels' Footsteps" (by Tetsuzo Fuwa/1988/Shinnihon syuppannsha)

Following in Engels\' Footsteps 01_f0401719_22202005.jpg

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-06-24 22:45 | marx engels eisen