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Self-publishing and Keychains

A few days ago, a self-published manga book by animation artist Naoyuki Niiya arrived at Kiryukan.
The manga was drawn by Niiya 20 years ago for sale in convenience stores, but was never released due to various circumstances.
Whether it's a film or manga, there is limitless freedom in self-production and self-publishing.

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Previously, we wrote on this blog that a Gaza genocide protest keychain that Uchiyama had received fell off Harada's bag and was lost.
The keychain was later found. (Uchiyama made the keychain by hand; someone else designed it.)
The cat-designed admission ticket for "Horizon Blue" (2019) was designed by Uchiyama.

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by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-06-16 23:09 | その他 Other