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The condition of the working class in England 13

Engels makes repeated accusations.

At the root of the law is animosity toward the proletariat.
Judges and magistrates are bourgeois.
When a rich person is summoned to court, the judge takes consideration of the rich person and proceeds with the case in his favor.
Even if a rich person is found guilty, judges will be considerate and reduce the fine.
In contrast, poor people are treated roughly, detained, yelled at, and ridiculed by legal officials.
The same goes for the police.
The police are also kind to the bourgeois, but on the other hand, they easily arrest and abuse the poor.
Therefore, poor people are not protected by the law.
In the past, children and young people had a place in town where they could play and walk.
However, the common land is taken away one after another by the propertied classes.
Young people and workers who have nowhere else to go have no choice but to go to cheap bars in search of alcohol.

The condition of the working class in England 13_f0401719_23173508.jpg

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-05-18 23:17 | marx engels eisen