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1989, 27 years old

1989, 27 years old_f0401719_23353432.jpg

1989, 27 years old_f0401719_23523527.jpg

1989, 27 years old_f0401719_23353409.jpg

The photo above is the caption that was broadcast on TV.
The photo below is a letter practice session that I did during the training period.
The letters are written with a brush using white poster paint on black non-reflective cardboard.

Harada had a peaceful few years after joining the anime company.
However, four years later, the son of a millionaire joined the company as his junior.
Harada was harassed by him every day.
Harada thought there would be no bullying in adult society because the law would protect him, but the reality was different.
Also, Harada was worried that he didn't have any time for himself when he was working on TV animation.
Japanese TV animation workers had to work long hours, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Harada decided to quit the company.
Harada had no choice but to channel all of his anger at the harassment he had been a victim of into his personal works once again.
Harada saw MIDORI's original work and was impressed by the coexistence of the cruelty of this world and the strength of life.
Harada looked for a job that would allow him time off.
Although he failed one interview after another for part-time jobs, he somehow managed to pass the interview for a TV station's news center.During his entrance exam, he showed MIDORI's background art to the interviewer at the TV station.
While Harada was drawing subtitles for news programs, he would draw MIDORI when he returned home.
When Emperor Showa fell ill, Harada was the first person in charge of creating a graph of his bleeding.
That life continued for five years.
Death Lullaby features Harada's classmate who was violent towards him during their elementary school days.
The millionaire's son appears in MIDORI and is being torn apart by Wonder Masamitsu. The subtitle ''I will never forgive'', which is subliminally inserted into MIDORI, reflects such circumstances.

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-05-14 23:57 | Life and history