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Apply Marx to the present day

The link below is a study showing that green landscapes improve health.
Research has shown that people who spend time in green, natural spaces tend to make healthier food choices and have a lower risk of depression and anxiety. They also tend to avoid artificial health foods marketed as healthy by companies.

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The bottom image is from "Horizon Blue"

Capitalism has led to the concentration of population in big cities, and capitalism continues to destroy the earth's natural environment.
As Marx and Engels said, capitalism is an endless desire to make money, and the state and the law are its allies. The destruction of nature shows no sign of stopping.
In Japan in particular, we are destroying nature and building huge developments and huge buildings one after another to benefit big corporations.

Cities are filled with advertisements from large corporations.In the Middle East, such as GAZA, large corporations continue to broadcast fun advertisements and information 24 hours a day, even though many people are being killed.
Many people are under the illusion that they live in a happy and peaceful world.Workers' wages are falling, non-regular employment is on the rise, and large corporations that exploit overseas labor are accumulating huge profits.
The Japanese Communist Party's newspaper, Akahata, reported in December 2023 that "large corporations' internal reserves reach a record high of 528 trillion yen, while wages are actually decreasing.

Let's apply the materialism and dialectics of Marx and Engels.
Health, food, the need for greening, genocide, wars, products, advertisements, internal reserves, our living and working conditions...
First of all, we need to see all the connections, not treat these facts as separate worlds.

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Apply Marx to the present day_f0401719_23390477.jpg
(Quoted from the Internet)

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-04-30 23:20 | marx engels eisen