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The condition of the working class in England 09

The bourgeoisie highlights the negative aspects of workers, such as their drinking habits and lack of respect for money.
It is true that poor workers drink heavily.
There are many taverns in cities, where not only workers but even mothers with children drink alcohol.
In England, prostitution, fraud, and crime are also on the rise.
At first glance, these things may seem like workers are acting freely, but this is the result of the bourgeoisie forcing worries and suffering on workers.
Workers do not know true freedom.
The bourgeoisie makes workers lethargic and robs them of their energy by firing them.
Mechanization creates many unemployed people.
The housing where workers live is unsanitary, unheated, leaks, and the air inside is stagnant.
Workers have no freedom other than to indulge in alcohol and unregulated sex to find enjoyment in their lives.

Big cities are also the birthplace of movements.
Workers are weak on their own, but they realize that if many people in the same environment gather together, they can become a powerful force.
Then, for the first time, they begin to think about their own situation.
They become aware of their own rights.
They realize that they are connected to their employers only by making money.
This relationship is fragile and can fall apart with the slightest trouble.
The workers begin to have ideals, morals, and political consciousness that are completely different from those of the bourgeoisie.
The workers become friends with all the peoples of the earth.
The workers begin to act and fight independently.
Only then are they no longer slaves to the bourgeoisie.

Either they drink alcohol and live a decadent life, or they oppose the bourgeoisie.
There is only one answer.

The condition of the working class in England 09_f0401719_19434622.jpg
MIDORI, Limitless Paradise, Zashikiro
Horizon Blue

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-04-30 19:29 | marx engels eisen