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The apprentice steals the master's techniques at night.

The apprentice steals the master\'s techniques at night._f0401719_00313832.jpg

The apprentice steals the master\'s techniques at night._f0401719_22232114.jpg

Harada joined the anime studio at the age of 21.
Harada learned the techniques of his master Koizumi.
Harada copied Koizumi's drawing late at night in the empty office.
Koizumi was in charge of the animation director for "Space Battleship Yamato".
Koizumi was also in charge of drawing the locomotive for "Galaxy Express 999'' (1979).
When Koizumi painted any picture, he never did any preliminary sketches.
He also always used a 6B pencil.
As a result of this, Harada also started using 6B pencils.

The apprentice steals the master\'s techniques at night._f0401719_22561221.jpg
"Galaxy Express 999'' key animation by Kenzo Koizumi (1979 / Director: Rin Taro / credit: Toei)

Harada says. "One of Koizumi's characteristics is the form of smoke. Even now, I can easily tell which part Mr. Koizumi drew”.

The apprentice steals the master\'s techniques at night._f0401719_22504262.jpg

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-04-29 22:35 | 師 Harada's master