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Let the police who arrested the artist listen to noise music

The police should release the street artist who sent out a message against genocide!

An artist who painted the words "Free Gaza" on a government bulletin board on the street has been arrested and detained for 46 days.
Citizens protested in front of the Tokyo Kojimachi Police Station.
One of the participants "Can a society that erases anti-war messages be called a peaceful society? Society needs both graffiti and noise."
He shouted with a microphone, and played noise music on an electric guitar to the police officers.
(In Japan, right-wingers are either not arrested for violent behavior or are released on the same day.)

Let the police who arrested the artist listen to noise music_f0401719_20382120.jpg

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-04-22 20:38 | 政治 society, politics