2024年 03月 25日
The story of ''Kiryu's Forbidden Pictorial'', which was planned in the 1980s, is as follows.
As a Harada boy witnessed various kinds of hell in Kiryu (customs, superstition, alcohol, Buddhism, gambling, yakuza, sex...) and He tried to escape from such a stuffy town. (Somewhat similar to Terayama's "Pastoral: To Die in the Country").
This project was scheduled to be produced if Maruo did not give permission for the production of ''MIDORI''.
However, Maruo gave permission for ''MIDORI'', so Harada prioritized the production of ''MIDORI''.
After that, the political situation in Japan and the world continued to deteriorate, and Harada decided that he needed a piece with a more straightforward social problem than his nostalgic work, and began producing ''Zashikiro'' and ''Horizon Blue''.
However, Harada, who had been painting people and Japanese houses for 30 years in ''Zashikiro'' and ''Horizon Blue'', did not have the confidence to continue painting the same motifs in new works for the next 10 years.
All of Harada's friends call his new work "BOO", so there is a strong possibility that the official title will be "BOO".
As a child, Harada was nicknamed ''BOO(Pig guy)'' and was the target of gang violence at school for years.
At first, Harada didn't understand why he was being beaten, but recently he realized that it was because he was extremely short.
As a Harada boy witnessed various kinds of hell in Kiryu (customs, superstition, alcohol, Buddhism, gambling, yakuza, sex...) and He tried to escape from such a stuffy town. (Somewhat similar to Terayama's "Pastoral: To Die in the Country").
This project was scheduled to be produced if Maruo did not give permission for the production of ''MIDORI''.
However, Maruo gave permission for ''MIDORI'', so Harada prioritized the production of ''MIDORI''.
After that, the political situation in Japan and the world continued to deteriorate, and Harada decided that he needed a piece with a more straightforward social problem than his nostalgic work, and began producing ''Zashikiro'' and ''Horizon Blue''.
However, Harada, who had been painting people and Japanese houses for 30 years in ''Zashikiro'' and ''Horizon Blue'', did not have the confidence to continue painting the same motifs in new works for the next 10 years.
All of Harada's friends call his new work "BOO", so there is a strong possibility that the official title will be "BOO".
As a child, Harada was nicknamed ''BOO(Pig guy)'' and was the target of gang violence at school for years.
At first, Harada didn't understand why he was being beaten, but recently he realized that it was because he was extremely short.
If you are a victim of violence or discrimination even once, the hurt, resentment, and anger will never go away.
The new work ''BOO'' is Harada's revenge for bullying and violence, and Kiryukan's message to children.
The original concept for ''MIDORI'' was to express a cruel drama in the style of children's animation from the 1970s.
This time, at first glance, it looks like a picture book for children.
However, the content is full of anger towards society and politics.
Harada believes that in order to eliminate bullying and violence, we need shocking expressions like those seen in 1970s movies.
The atrophy of creative expression due to the influence of unscrupulous politics leads to a suffocating society and deprives young people of hope.
The subtitle ''地下迷宮裏画報'' means a "underground labyrinth secret picture book".
By the way, Harada's first TV keyanimation work was ''Noozles''.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noozles)
The first key visual drawn in 1991. https://kiyubaru.exblog.jp/32840787/
by kiyubaru2020
| 2024-03-25 18:41
| 地下迷宮裏画報BOO