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The condition of the working class in England 03

Engels continues to write.

Workers living in big cities cannot own their own property.
They have no choice but to live on their wages.
Society tells them.
"Take care of yourself and your family! It's your responsibility."
But society does not give them the means to support their families.
They are constantly at risk of unemployment and starvation.
The competition created by large factories and mechanization turned small farmers into proletariat.
As a result, the population concentrated in cities.
Capitalists compete, and workers are also forced to competition.
In competition with each other, workers get in the way and push others down, trying to survive on their own.
The proletariat has nothing to rely on.
But the bourgeoisie has a monopoly over all means of subsistence.
Its monopoly is protected by the state.
In other words, the proletariat is legally a slave to the bourgeoisie.
Whether the proletariat is saved or killed is at the discretion of the bourgeoisie.

Marx was always angry, and so was Engels.

The condition of the working class in England 03_f0401719_21530466.jpg

Limitless Paradise

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-03-24 21:53 | marx engels eisen