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MIDORI experiment

MIDORI experiment_f0401719_19112805.jpg

Various experiments will be conducted during the "MIDORI" screening.
Kiryukan does not announce the details of the experiment in advance, so the audience will encounter unknown claims without any prior knowledge.
After seeing Terayama's experimental theater at the age of 19, Harada began combining video and live performances.
In 1992, 8mm live-action footage of "Maggots'' was projected in the darkness where MIDORI's film was interrupted.
He also moved a puppet placed next to the audience seats.
In 2000, during the scene where MIDORI returns home, a slide video was floated around the theater.
When screening in a small space, Kiryukan tried a minimalist approach.
For example, in a scene where Masamitsu gets angry, simply having flashlights dance around the theater creates a powerful enough effect.
Also in 1994, slide images were superimposed on top of the main screen.
There are still many experiments that can be carried out in theaters.

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-03-23 19:26 | 少女椿 Shoujo tsubaki