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Secret Picture Book

Secret Picture Book_f0401719_22324757.jpg

With the help of a young hunchback bear, Kazumi heads to Japan on a smuggler's ship.

There were many immigrants on board the smuggler's ship.
A fierce storm hit the ship.

In the end, since Harada creates the work by himself, there is no need for an image board.
However, these paintings were drawn with Harada's intention, ''so that even if I suddenly die, the images will remain''.
Harada has already added elements of ''Secret Picture Book'' (the title has not yet been officially decided) to ''Zashikiro''.
Therefore, the new edition of ''Secret Picture Book'' will be based on ''Winnie-the-Boo'' and ''The dark ship'' (articles have been posted in the past) that Harada planned in the 1980s.
Harada decides on the music for each scene at the planning stage.
The music for ''Zashikiro'', ''Secret Picture Book'', ''Winnie-the-Boo'' and ''The dark ship'' has already been decided upon at the planning stage.
The music will be recorded to accompany the completed footage, following the tradition of Japanese film music.
However, the drawing process takes many years.
Therefore, the music for each scene is repeated in Harada's head for several decades from planning to completion.
Since ''Zashikiro'' is set in the old Japanese countryside, rock musical elements such as the snare drum were excluded, again in keeping with the tradition of Japanese film music.
However, ''Secret Picture Book'' is a modern fable, and the music is rock-style, with heavy use of snare drums.
As some of you may have already noticed, ''Limitless Paradise'' uses the original manuscript of the previous film ''My Little Brother Became a Sheep'' in the form of reshoots.

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-03-18 22:57 | 地下迷宮裏画報BOO