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Forbidden picture book

Forbidden picture book_f0401719_22002988.jpg

Kazumi went on a sightseeing trip to K country with her father and mother.
Country K was once a country that Japan waged a war of aggression against.
In Country K, there was a huge disparity between rich and poor, and the city was chaotic.
The underground shopping mall was vast and endless, a crowded place for poor people.
Kazumi wanders into the underground mall and gets separated from her parents.
The people of K country, who never forget their past history, were cold towards the Japanese.
A few days later, a young hunchback saves Kazumi from despair.
Kazumi temporarily takes refuge in a small, dark apartment in a shanty area where a young man lives, and decides to look for her father and mother.

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-03-16 22:10 | 地下迷宮裏画報BOO