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Configuration methodology

Configuration methodology_f0401719_20181994.jpg
Several years have passed since Harada retired from his job as a lecturer at an art university.
This morning he had a dream of him teaching his methodology to his students.
Since it was consistent with the actual methodology, we introduce it here.

A: Before the movie starts, something is already going on in the theater.

B: The movie suddenly starts with a shocking scene.

C: The main story begins, but it is always connected to multiple documentaries.

D: An abstraction suddenly occurs or the film is interrupted.

E: The climax gradually accelerates and becomes louder and more intense.

F: Ends with a big explosion or flames.

A and D became standard after Harada moved to Tokyo at the age of 19 and encountered Shuji Terayama's plays and films, so they do not exist in any of his works before "Limitless Paradise".
by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-03-10 20:28 | 表現手法 Expression meth