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Die deutsche Ideologie

”Die deutsche Ideologie”(by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels/2002/Iwanami shoten)

This book is published by a different publisher than the previously introduced "Die deutsche Ideologie".
This is the latest edited edition, and covers a huge amount of Marx and Engels's notes, memos, and letters.

Pictures by Marx and Engels are also introduced. Their drawings are very good.

This book is primarily a critique of past philosophers (specifically, Hegel's leftists).

Simply put...

Marx and Engels harshly criticized conceptualists who spoke based on images in their heads and ideas.

Philosophers of the past did not analyze history or economics based on materialism, dialectics, or science. It just repeats seemingly beautiful and difficult words.
At first glance, we mistakenly believe that the words of philosophers are sound ideas. However, these are just a list of empty phrases.

In other words, although they are decorated with various pedantic words, they are actually just sensibilities, imaginations, and intuitions that are far removed from reality.

They will not save the people who actually live or the workers who are actually suffering, and they will not lead to human liberation.

Individuals under the ruling system of the bourgeoisie have the illusion that they are free.
However, since they are forced to submit to a certain force, their hands and feet are bound and they have no freedom.
Moreover, the class to which they belong has been determined since childhood, and it is not easy to escape from that class.
Many people don't realize that.

States use politics and law to enforce the common interests of the ruling class.
Moreover, philosophers and theologians ended up robbing individuals of their independence and autonomy.

Marx and Engels concluded with these famous words:

"Philosophers simply interpreted the world in different ways. The important thing is to transform the world."

Die deutsche Ideologie_f0401719_23082197.jpg

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-01-26 23:44 | marx engels eisen