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Labor was originally a fun activity.

“Shihonron tankyu(Quest for Das Kapital) part 1” (written by Tetsuzo Fuwa/2018/Shinnihon shuppansha)

Labor was originally a fun activity._f0401719_22520713.jpg

This is a book that explains Das Kapital in its entirety, rather than just a partial explanation.
There are parts of Marx's manuscripts and drafts that both Engels and his successors overlooked, and the author places emphasis on elucidating them.
The author points out that not only Lenin, but also Marx's close friend Engels, overlooked certain aspects.
Why was Marx's Capital released in Russia? In fact, the censor's reasoning was, ‘‘This book is too difficult, no one would be able to understand it even if we published it anyway.''
Marx says. ‘‘Before the emergence of a capitalist society that exploited workers, ''labor'' was originally an activity that was beneficial to both humans and society.''
This part is often quoted.
In other words, work was originally meant to be fun. For example, if you are a creator, creating works should be fun.
What stands in the way of this is exploitation, long working hours, and the confiscation of free time by capitalist society.
Marx believed that having free time for each person was the emancipation of humans.
This will increase creative and intellectual elements, which will have a positive impact on society.
This requires a process that transfers the means of material production currently monopolized by large, for-profit corporations into the hands of citizens.
Marx argues that this transition should proceed through democratic debate.

by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-01-03 22:53 | marx engels eisen