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Social movements after 3.11

On March 11, 2011, the Fukushima nuclear power plant exploded. (We call it 3.11).
With this as an opportunity, Japanese citizens' movements expanded significantly.
Citizens who had not been deeply involved in politics rose up in anti-government demonstrations.

Social movements after 3.11_f0401719_22215320.jpg

Left: “Kono chikara ga nihon wo ugokasu(This power moves Japan)” (Newspaper Red Flag Editorial Department/2015/Shinnihon shuppansha)
After the large-scale protests on March 11, the Abe administration's forced adoption of a war law in 2015 led to an even bigger protest movement, and various citizens stood up. This is the record.
Among this crowd is Harada.

Right: “3.11 iko no shakaiundo(Social movements after 3.11)” (Gendai shiso No.44/2016/Seidosha)
In the roundtable discussion for this book, it is written that the student group SEALDs was influenced by the Hangenren that appeared after 3.11.
by kiyubaru2020 | 2024-01-03 22:22 | 政治 society, politics