2024年 01月 03日
Social movements after 3.11
With this as an opportunity, Japanese citizens' movements expanded significantly.
Citizens who had not been deeply involved in politics rose up in anti-government demonstrations.
Left: “Kono chikara ga nihon wo ugokasu(This power moves Japan)” (Newspaper Red Flag Editorial Department/2015/Shinnihon shuppansha)
After the large-scale protests on March 11, the Abe administration's forced adoption of a war law in 2015 led to an even bigger protest movement, and various citizens stood up. This is the record.Among this crowd is Harada.
Right: “3.11 iko no shakaiundo(Social movements after 3.11)” (Gendai shiso No.44/2016/Seidosha)
In the roundtable discussion for this book, it is written that the student group SEALDs was influenced by the Hangenren that appeared after 3.11.
by kiyubaru2020
| 2024-01-03 22:22
| 政治 society, politics