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To stop all genocide...

Video of the GAZA/Palestine-related demonstrations, shot by Hiroshi Harada, was shared by Middle Eastern media and the European Broadcasting Union.
Furthermore, today we received an application to use the footage from a New York news media founded by former ABC and NBC executives.
The demo footage shot by Harada has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times in various media outside of Japan, and will continue to be spread around the world even more.
We hope this will help stop the genocide in the Middle East that has been going on for decades (and is hardly reported in Japan).
Harada says. ''Until now, all I could do was sign signatures, participate in demonstrations, and make donations, but I'm glad I was able to cooperate even a little with those who wish for peace''.

Full version:

To stop all genocide..._f0401719_23520761.jpg

by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-12-27 23:50 | 政治 society, politics