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Harada played the drums for the first time in four years at today's demonstration in front of the prime minister's office demanding the resignation of the Liberal Democratic Party and the Kishida administration.
Harada and another person played the snare drum, and the other two played the toms.
A total of four antifa members repeatedly banged drums in front of the Prime Minister's official residence.
You can listen to the audio below.

Triplets, call and response, calls of stringendo.It had already been used in overseas protests, but in Japan it was mainly introduced by the SEALDs.

(Harada took a break from drumming for four years due to the coronavirus and chronic illness, so he made one mistake in the beginning of this performance. So please listen to the second half.)

Harada's snare drum. Until 2019, he carried a large drum to the front of the Diet, but due to his declining physical strength due to a chronic illness, he has now switched to a slightly smaller snare drum.

by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-12-22 23:30 | 政治 society, politics