人気ブログランキング | 話題のタグを見る

Visual texture and political expression

”Kinema Junpo No.1135 (1994) ” features a conversation between Gaspar Noe, Yoshihiko Matsui, and Hiroshi Harada.

Gasper: "Japanese independent films have political judgments. Tetsuo and Midori also have judgments. My films don't have them".
Harada: "I think that the reaction to the politics of my work reflects the politics of the viewer. I want to depict the struggles of people who are violently oppressed".

Harada was interested in Gasper's use of CinemaScope, special colors, and coarse grain in his film "Carnet''.
Gasper said he blown up 16mm film to 35mm film to express the texture and sense of urgency.

Harada: "I understand the feelings of people whose only option for self-liberation (in a closed-off society) is religion.On the other hand, there are many cases of people who had considered suicide but stopped after watching a movie''.

Gasper recommended that suicidal people watch "It's a Wonderful Life'' directed by Frank Capra.

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by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-12-11 16:51 | 表現手法 Expression meth