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Cubic gallery (1994) *game software

Harada also took on games and illustration works to earn a living. However, he didn't like the game or the illustrations because they lacked drama.

Even in corporate video production works, plans are decided by capitalists and producers. As a result, Harada was not able to create freely, so I still didn't like him.

Even though Harada received orders from companies, he was always thinking about independent production.

Cubic gallery (1994)  *game software_f0401719_18021047.jpg

Cubic gallery (1994)  *game software_f0401719_18020820.jpg

Cubic gallery (1994)  *game software_f0401719_18020868.jpg
Key frames: Hiroshi Harada (no credit)

by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-11-01 18:06 | ゲーム Game