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Regarding the audio from 14:00 to 14:07


The audio for this part was taken from late night TV in the 1970s.
A boy receives violent threats from detectives in a police interrogation room. The boy secretly recorded it and informed the media. That part was broadcast on TV.
The exchange was similar to the intimidation that Harada experienced from conservative teachers toward students, so he used it.

There may be some conscientious people among the police.
However, the Japanese police have led to many false accusations due to their aggressive interrogations.
And we will never forget the history of torturing and massacring many communists and those who the police arbitrarily determined to be communists during the war.

Regarding the audio from 14:00 to 14:07_f0401719_12072406.jpg

by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-10-12 12:08 | 限りなき楽園 Paradise