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All the dolls are handmade by Harada's mother.

Although both Harada's mother and father suffered greatly from the war, they continued to support the Liberal Democratic Party until their deaths. This may have been influenced by brainwashing education during the war and the Red Scare.
''You'll be arrested by the police. Don't become a communist!'' was a common thought, especially in Japan at the time.

When Harada was in high school, he became a Marxist supporter.
At that time, Harada's mother became furious and announced that she planned to storm the high school and yell at the teachers. (Of course, she hadn't read a single page of Marx).
She then tried to fire Nakajima, who had taught Marx to Harada.
Harada did his best to stop it.
After that incident, Harada and his mother began to hate each other over politics and ideology, and this continued until Harada's mother died.

Harada's mother made dolls from a young age.
In her later years, she was a folk song instructor.
Under the pen name "Tsurusen Yamada," she collaborated on Harada's works by making dolls and performing Japanese music. Since MIDORI, Harada's works have been credited with her name.

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by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-10-01 19:50 | Life and history