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Marx's research

Tatsuru Uchida, a university professor and author of ''Young People, Let's Read Marx,'' writes.

“The Indonesian Communist Party was destroyed by the military in 1965. In South Korea, Marxism is illegal under the National Security Law.
The Philippine Communist Party has become a terrorist organization.
If Karl Marx were alive today, he would not recognize China's rulers as "Marxists".
Communist parties are feared by citizens in Asia.
However, the Communist Party exists legally in Japan, holding seats in the Diet and local governments. Japan is the only place in Asia where Marx's open discourse exists.
Japan has endured 100 years of hardship and is still a country where Marx and Das Kapital can be freely discussed”.

We at Kiyubaru would like to add a little bit.
Mr. Uchida's point is correct, but in Japan the Japanese Communist Party, which had been campaigning against the war, was attacked by the government and authorities even before the war.
We must not forget the history of the Japanese government and police torturing and massacring many communists during the war.
Attacks on the Japanese Communist Party by the government and the wealthy continue to this day.
Although there are genuine Marxist researchers like Mr. Uchida in Japan, they are still in the minority.
According to an acquaintance in China, there are a small number of people in China who study Marx on their own, rather than through government advocacy.
When we say "Marx" here, we are not referring to what was proposed by Stalin of the Soviet Union (Stalin did not study much about Marx), but to the long years of research by Marx and Engels.
Therefore, Marx, the Soviet Union, and the Chinese government are not the same. This is an important point.

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(2020 / 2021 Newspaper AKAHATA (Red flag))

by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-09-30 22:33 | marx engels eisen