人気ブログランキング | 話題のタグを見る

Attack of the Space Kappa (1982)

This song was the first opening theme for the version of "Death lullaby" that Harada submitted to his design school as his graduation work. It is also the version seen by the school teacher: Yasuji Mori (a senior to Hayao Miyazaki).

Attack of the Space Kappa (1982)_f0401719_17114922.jpg
Attack of the Space Kappa (1982)_f0401719_17115026.jpg
Attack of the Space Kappa (1982)_f0401719_17142706.jpg
composed by Hiroshi Harada

by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-07-31 17:13 | 楽譜 original score