人気ブログランキング | 話題のタグを見る

Location photos, Around 1981

All of these photos are from Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture around 1981.
Due to the redevelopment, the scenery depicted in the movie no longer exists.
Harada's parents were right-wing (despite being damaged in the war), but his youngest aunt, Chiyoko Harada, was a former left-winger.
Chiyoko accompanied Harada to interview Death Lullaby in Kiryu City and taught Harada about the history of Kiryu.
Chiyoko is currently in a facility in Gunma with dementia.
She went to France to study when Chiyoko was young, and she participated in resistance activities against fascism.
Harada's parents and relatives didn't like Chiyoko, but Harada liked his aunt.

Location photos, Around 1981_f0401719_18310010.jpg

Location photos, Around 1981_f0401719_18310017.jpg

Location photos, Around 1981_f0401719_18310193.jpg

Location photos, Around 1981_f0401719_18310173.jpg

Location photos, Around 1981_f0401719_18310016.jpg

Location photos, Around 1981_f0401719_18310047.jpg

Photo by Hiroshi Harada

by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-07-19 18:42 | 二度と目覚めぬ子守唄 Lullaby