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Still photos

Harada recorded with a still camera (35mm film) when color copiers and personal computers were not widespread.
In "Death lullaby", there are some pictures that were not included in the main volume although they were drawn. The picture on the top right was not used for "Death lullaby". Instead it was used for ''Zashikiro''.
For the fourth scene, Harada shot the painting in his room, then went to the harbor and exposed the lights of the sea onto the film. (Both 8mm film and still cameras were shot using the same procedure).
The still photos introduced here are also included as video benefits on the Death Lullaby Official DVD. https://kiryukan.hariko.com/nidotomezamenu.htm
This DVD is also sold overseas. However, it does not have English subtitles. 
TACO ché's International Shipping http://tacoche.com/?page_id=1091

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by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-05-09 01:59 | 二度と目覚めぬ子守唄 Lullaby