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Summer without anyone  1985 8mm

「誰もいない夏」Daremo inai Natsu

These photos are not copies of 8mm film, but were taken with a still camera at the same position as the 8mm camera for the record.
Harada liked the empty landscapes painted by surrealist painters such as Salvador Dali and Paul Delvaux.So he imagined such a scene in the actual city and shot it.
The sound quality of 8mm film is very bad. So, Harada played a cassette tape recording the music and narration at the venue.

Summer without anyone  1985 8mm_f0401719_03283901.jpg

Summer without anyone  1985 8mm_f0401719_03283998.jpg

by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-05-08 03:35 | 誰もいない夏 Summer nobody