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Harada's two masters. Mori and Koizumi.

Harada's masters of commercial animation

Left photo: circa 1985
Left: Yasuji Mori (1925-1992) Animator from ToeiDoga.
He is a senior of Hayao Miyazaki and Kenzo Koizumi.
Right: Hiroshi Harada (around 23 years old)

Right photo: circa 1987
Left: Kenzo Koizumi (?-2009) Animator from ToeiDoga.
Right: Hiroshi Harada (around 25 years old)

Harada\'s two masters. Mori and Koizumi._f0401719_03230324.jpg

Mr. Mori was a teacher at Harada's design school and was one of the graduation certification judges for Harada's graduation work "The Death Lullaby".
After graduating from school, Harada worked with Mori and Koizumi on the same TV anime program.
Mr. Mori and Mr. Koizumi were usually kind, but they were very strict at work. They both coached Harada very strictly.

Mr. Mori and Mr. Koizumi are involved in "The White Snake" (ToeiDoga/1958).
At that time, Mr. Koizumi, a newcomer, was a camera assistant (no credit).

"The White Snake"

by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-04-28 03:30 | 師 Harada's master