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#保険証廃止法案の採決に抗議します #原発GX法を廃案に #入管法改悪反対 #軍事産業強化法案の採決に抗議します

We, Kiyubaru, protest against the passage of the bill to abolish universal health insurance cards by the ruling parties of the Japanese government (Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito). Japan's health insurance card (paper card) has a history of 60 years.
Furthermore, we protest the committee vote on the GX decarbonized power bill, which allows the operation of nuclear power plants for more than 60 years, by the Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito, and far-right parties.
Furthermore, we oppose the LDP/Komeito's resubmission of a proposal to amendment to the Immigration Control Act, which violates international human rights standards and leaves refugees dead.

Why is the ugly LDP dictatorship possible in Japan?
In addition to organizational votes such as "FFWPU" and "Nipponkaigi" and the renunciation of the right to vote by 50-70% of Japanese voters, there are the following reasons. BBC report.

”Why Japan's Liberal Democratic Party Keeps Winning Elections” (BBC)


On the 27th, the bill to strengthen the military industry was also passed with a majority of support from the Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito, and the ruling party's complementary political parties.

We, Kiyubaru and Kiryukan, strongly protest against the Japanese government (Liberal Democratic Party/Komeito), which is advancing toward war and nuclear power policy.

On April 28, the Liberal Democratic Party, New Komeito, and others forced a vote on a bill to revise the Immigration Control Law, which violates international human rights standards.

by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-04-27 15:50 | 政治 society, politics