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Younger brother became a sheep (1980) Still photos

「弟は羊になった」Ototo wa Hitsuji ni natta (1980 / 18 years old)
This is not a direct copy from 8mm film.
This was taken with a 35mm film still camera for the record.
The image quality of the original 8mm film is poor.

Younger brother became a sheep (1980) Still photos_f0401719_01580432.jpg

Younger brother became a sheep (1980) Still photos_f0401719_01580437.jpg

Younger brother became a sheep (1980) Still photos_f0401719_01580422.jpg

Younger brother became a sheep (1980) Still photos_f0401719_01580474.jpg

Younger brother became a sheep (1980) Still photos_f0401719_01580467.jpg
Drawn by Hiroshi Harada

by kiyubaru2020 | 2023-04-27 01:58 | 弟は羊に brother sheep